Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Praise Him

Dr. Staley just stopped by the room with the official pathology report in hand- NEUROENDOCRINE! I can't describe the emotional impact one word can have. All the cancer was removed from the pancreas, liver and one lymph node, and this type of cancer usually does not require chemotherapy, but regular checks for recurrence. We'll know more about follow up when we meet with Dr Szabo next week. Some perspective: Of 1000 people diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, surgery is not an option for 900. Of the 100 surgical candidates, 85 will have an adenocarcinoma tumor. Less than 10% of these patients will live 5 years. The remaining 15 could have other types of tumors, including neuroendocrine. Less than 1% of the 1000 patients will have the rare combination of type, location & stage that Deb has and we absolutely believe He has a purpose for this blessing. " He has called us with a holy calling, not according to our works but according to his own purpose."As one of our favorite songs says " He's not finished with her yet." The other great news is minutes after Dr Staley shared the good news with us Deb's digestive system kicked back in, paving the way to start easing her to solid food for the first time in 8 days. She is physically weak from a tough week but spiritually strong, and once we make sure she can process food we can get her home for recovery. Deb says " Your prayers have helped us in ways that can't be measured and God's amazing grace and unfailing love have comforted us during this difficult time."


  1. Debbie, I am so thrilled with the Dr. Report! I know that you are a strong and fiesty ex-school nurse who is ready to get back home and start recovering! Hang in there and know we love you in Allen!!
    Stacy O.

  2. WOOO HOOOOOOOO!!! Praise the Lord is right!!! Your faith has been such an inspiration to us during this time. We are rejoicing with you! Hope to see you soon!

    Lauren, Ryan & Madison Claire

  3. AMEN! What wonderful news!!! God is so good!! So happy to hear the official Dr. report. I will pray that Debbie continues to grow stronger. So happy right now!! Thanks, Dave, for keeping us posted.

  4. Just want to add that we are greatly rejoicing with you, and thanking our Great God for what He has done and is doing! What a testimony to His great faithfulness! Debbie, I still want you and Pat to come over for lunch when you get stronger! We'll continue to pray for your recovery.
