Thursday, October 1, 2009

His Will

The results from the extensive follow up scans last week are in - no evidence of any cancer anywhere in Debbie's body! Deb ...being Deb... carried a faith inspired peace into the appointment. Dave...being Dave... let's just say he is trying hard to be more like Deb. Based on the positive results they started the monthly hormonal treatments yesterday and we'll see Dr. Szabo every 90 days for CAT scans. For those that have been following the blog from a number of states words can't express how much we appreciate your thought & prayers. From this point on 'no news' will be 'good news' as we thankfully wake up and gratefully try to make a difference every beautiful day. Closing with one of Deb's favorites: " Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, his love endures forever" Psalm 106:1 Take care and hug the ones you love.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Great News!

We were able to get out and enjoy a Jeremy Camp concert with the Howards last night and followed with great news today - No chemo! Dr. Szabo officially confirmed what we had been hoping and praying for - Deb's tumors were neuroendocrine islet cell cancer - and that's as good as it gets as far as pancreatic cancer prognosis is concerned. Indulge a grateful spouse some recently acquired medical knowledge. When tumors are removed they use the term 'margins' to indicate the space between healthy cells and cancerous and in Deb's surgery they were able to remove the tumors in the pancreas and the liver with at least 2 cm between the tumor and where they cut - also great news. ALL of Deb's cancerous tumors are out with with wide margins and no evidence of anything left behind. Next step is an octreoscan to again use nuclear/radiotive procedures to do a refined scan for specific types of islet cells anywhere else in her body. Since the pancreas serves 2 purposes - secreting enzymes for digestion and hormones such as insulin - there has been a lot of research and trials with hormonal therapy. In 2 weeks we begin a regimen of monthly sandostatin hormonal injections that was not available even a year ago. This new therapy has reduced the incidence of neuroendocrine cancer recurring by 70%! For the near future she will have 90 day CAT scans to catch anything suspicious at the earliest possible stage. Apparently as adults we don't really need a spleen and the small portion of her liver removed has already regenerated. Final medical note - Dr Staley assured her today the permanent titanium staples used to seal/suture her pancreas will not set off alarms at aiport security. She continues to gain strength each day and plans to make the baby showers for Jaime scheduled in Texas the first week of October. " My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness." Therefore most glady I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 2 Corinthians 12:9

Monday, September 7, 2009

Simple Pleasures

It's a beautiful day out, Deb just took her first walk outside and is gaining strength each day. The girls were in from Texas this weekend and we may have set the recovery back a little laughing at old home videos late into the evening. Received an encouraging call from Dr. Szabo. With certain types of neuroendocrine cancers monthly hormonal treatment can greatly reduce the incidence of recurrence and some surgeons also suggest precautionary chemo even when all the cancer has been surgically removed. He'll have more information and recommendations for us next week. Thanks so much for helping us keep the faith!

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Deb's home and has started the recovery process - one day at a time. We meet with both Doctors on the 14th to discuss next steps. Pray for my marginal caregiver skills to improve. "Count our blessings , name them one by one." Johnathan Oatman, 1897

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

This Is Deb Again - Going Home Tomorrow!

It's been a very good day. I have a lot more energy today, have been able to shower and eat regular meals for breakfast & lunch. Dr. Staley stopped by and has cleared me to go home in the morning. My girls will be in visiting from Texas this weekend and I'm excited to get some quality time with them. Once again I'm thankful for God's blessings and all my wonderful family and friends prayers & support.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Praise Him

Dr. Staley just stopped by the room with the official pathology report in hand- NEUROENDOCRINE! I can't describe the emotional impact one word can have. All the cancer was removed from the pancreas, liver and one lymph node, and this type of cancer usually does not require chemotherapy, but regular checks for recurrence. We'll know more about follow up when we meet with Dr Szabo next week. Some perspective: Of 1000 people diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, surgery is not an option for 900. Of the 100 surgical candidates, 85 will have an adenocarcinoma tumor. Less than 10% of these patients will live 5 years. The remaining 15 could have other types of tumors, including neuroendocrine. Less than 1% of the 1000 patients will have the rare combination of type, location & stage that Deb has and we absolutely believe He has a purpose for this blessing. " He has called us with a holy calling, not according to our works but according to his own purpose."As one of our favorite songs says " He's not finished with her yet." The other great news is minutes after Dr Staley shared the good news with us Deb's digestive system kicked back in, paving the way to start easing her to solid food for the first time in 8 days. She is physically weak from a tough week but spiritually strong, and once we make sure she can process food we can get her home for recovery. Deb says " Your prayers have helped us in ways that can't be measured and God's amazing grace and unfailing love have comforted us during this difficult time."

A Big Day

Just a quick update because many of you have called. Pathology reports are due this afternoon and all indicators still point to neuroendocrine - which is treatable - keep the faith! Deb's digestive system has been slow to come back around on it's own after such invasive surgery so they may take some steps today to simulate activity. She had her best nights sleep since the surgery on the oral medication - I'll post more when we know.

Monday, August 31, 2009

This Is Debbie

Hey everyone, today has been a much better day switching from IV to oral pain medication. I feel better and I'm able to walk more. Still on clear liquids but hopefully can begin solid foods tomorrow. Your thoughts and prayers have made a difference and your support has meant more to me than words can ever express. I love you all and thank you for your love. " Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness! You have relieved me in my distress; have mercy on me and hear my prayer." Psalm 4:1

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Eighty hours after surgery - I'm so inspired by Debbie's faith & courage. Her brothers & sister Pat visited today, lifted her spirits, shared a few tears, laughs, fond memories of their parents and closed with a circle of prayer before heading back to Ky. We skyped the kids - technology is great. No complications and Docs say we are on track to have her home Tues or Wed. "In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world". John 16:33

Friday, August 28, 2009


48 hours after surgery and Deb is on the recovery track - sat in a chair & walked yesterday - step by step. Deb says " I'm sore but each step I take is progress. While I am weak He is strong and I know He is carrying me and lifting me up. I'm looking forward to simple pleasures - first something to drink, then eat. Thanks for all your prayers ."

Thursday, August 27, 2009

It's A Beautiful Mornng In Atlanta

The sun is rising outside of her hospital window and Deb had a good night. Vitals and spirit are strong - " We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose". Romans 8:28

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

In His Hands

Debbie is out of surgery, doing well in recovery and managed a Deb smile through the pain. She will most likely be in the hospital a week and they hope to get her on her feet tomorrow. Tumor tests will take 4 or 5 days before next steps can be determined. I'll hand the keyboard over to her one day soon so she can thank you directly for all your prayers, love & support. "I lay down and slept, and I awoke, for the lord sustained me."Keep the faith!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Keeping The Faith

Give thanks - less than 10% of pancreatic cancers are operable - and Debbie is scheduled for surgery at 8am Wednesday at Emory - 1364 Clifton Rd NE Atlanta Ga 30322. Thank God - she will not require the complex day long Whipple procedure. We are blessed - US News & World Report ranked Emory in the top 1% of 5400 US hospitals and their top Surgical Oncologist will be performing Deb's surgery. Once the tumor is out and tested the doctors will discuss follow up treatment options. Deb is drawing daily strength from God and his word. " Be joyful always, pray continuously and give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. Continue to keep us in your prayers in the days ahead.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Next Step

Received a call from Dr Staley with great news - the cancer has not spread! The PET scan is amazing. Since cancer cells utilize glucose more rapidly than normal cells this technology combines with a traditional CT scan to measure metabolic cell activity and 'light up' areas of the body where cancer cells are present. In Deb's case only the tumor in her pancreas lit up. The cancer type will determine post-op treatment but surgery will be required either way. So even though we do not have the final biopsy results surgery is scheduled for Wednesday at Emory in Atlanta. I'll post the hospital info after our pre-op appointments on Monday. We're enjoying a weekend with family and friends in Texas and will be heading back to Georgia Sunday night after helping Brett get settled in his new apartment at Texas Tech. Thanks to all for continued prayers.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Step By Step

We spent Monday afternoon at Emory with Dr Staley, Chief of Surgical Oncology and are totally confident he is the right choice! Surgical credentials aside we feel he truely cares and has great people & communication skills. His instincts & past experience tell him Deb most likely has a neuroendocrine tumor , the type that will not require chemo. Additional tests are scheduled over the next few days and if results are completed and analyzed by the end of this week surgery will be scheduled next week. Keep us in your prayers and keep the faith - we are!
" I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go. I will counsel you and watch over you" Psalm 32:8

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Day By day

We met with the Medical Oncologist, Dr. Szabo, on Friday afternoon and once again had to balance good news with the need for more tests and waiting. We like him, his style, his experience and his faith and he indicated all his experience tells him the odds are really in our favor. We consider what has happened a miracle because it is apparently very rare to catch a cancer like this at an early stage. The Pathologists have narrowed the possibilities to two types of cancer - one will require light follow up chemo after surgery and the other will not. Dr. Szabo has also scheduled a PET scan. Thanks again for your support and continued prayers for good news from Dr. Staley on Monday, hopefully we'll know by Tuesday if chemo will be required and the PET on Wednesday . A good friend, who claims to have a direct line, prayed: " God, you are piling on. Debbie has spent over 30 years with Dave and that's more pain than any woman should have to endure"


We prayed to prepare our hearts and minds for biopsy results. We were led to Philippians " Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. And the peace of God will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." We felt we needed a quiet environment to reflect, pray & prepare while waiting so we went to a lake resort outside Atlanta. Deb had a peace about her that I can't describe as we talked, walked, hugged and focused on positive thoughts & the future. I'm trying to be strong for her and I'm gaining strength from observing her faith - amazing! We received the call from Dr Gidey, the Internist Wednesday evening with news that Deb has an operable and curable cancerous tumor in her pancreas. The final pathology report had not been completed but there were no indications it has spread . The location of the tumor increases the odds for successful surgery, low complications and reduced recurrence risk. Emotions quickly turned to resolve - with God's help ..and the best medical expertise..we can beat this! Dr Gidey got the Oncologist, Dr Szabo on the phone to discuss next steps and his recommendation for surgeons. That evening we began our own search for the best. We called and discussed options with a top pancreatic specialist at MD Anderson in Houston. My sister Sue works for a group of surgeons at UAB Med Center in Birmingham, one of which is their top pancreatic surgeon who has successfully performed this surgery many times. He provided valuable insight & questions to ask and offered to perform the surgery. We reached out to one of my colleagues at Bowne who quickly put us in touch with a good friend of his - the head of Neurosurgery at Emory in Atlanta. After several email exchanges he referred us to the top specialist in this field at Emory. When we called for an appointment the way had been paved for what normally would have been a difficult accomplishment - a quick appointment on Monday with Dr.Staley, who trained at MD Anderson. We are feeling very positive about Emory. Every Doctor and medical professional we have encountered has been great and God's hand is guiding our path.

Unexpected News

On Sunday August 9th Debbie, after debating for some time if she needed to, made what turns out to be a God inspired life saving decision to go to the emergency room with stomach cramps. The cramps were apparently a reaction to an antibiotic she had been taking but the extensive tests they ran revealed a small suspicious mass in her pancreas. . Additional tests and Contrast CT scans were ordered that indicated a 50/50 chance it could be cancer. Deb, being Deb, immediately drew on her unwavering faith and put herself in God's hands. Dave, being Dave, kicked into a research, analyze, ask the right questions, understand the options, let's get a plan mode. Biopsies followed on Monday and the emotionally draining waiting game for answers continued. We began to move from shocked numbness to thankfulness. If left undetected this tumor could potentialy silently grow and spread and unrelated pain led to tests that discovered what could be a life threatening condition. We have always known and quickly felt the awesome prayers & support of family, friends and colleagues - from Alabama to Kentucky to Georgia to Massachusetts to New York to Florida to Texas. Our children, Jaime & husband Zach, Kim & husband Josh and Brett demonstrated amazing maturity and have been a source of positive ,optimistic faith. Our recent relocation to Atlanta has allowed Deb to spend a lot of quality time with her older sister, and Pat & Steve provided much needed & greatly appreciated local hands on support, comfort, love and perspective for us in the hospital and days that followed.